Letter to editor about Daily Telegraph’s article

The Daily Telegraph, 2nd May 2018

Regards: letter to the editor

To the Editor

I write you this letter with the aim of reacting of an article entitled “Britain must stop giving aid to China, Penny Mordaunt says as she accuses other departments of wasting money” published in your newspaper on Monday, 2ndMay 2018.

Before to explain you the raison of this letter, I wish to thank the journalist who wrote this article and The Daily Telegraph to publied it. It allows to know about what takes place and what is the decisions taken in our country. Thanks to articles like this one, we can make his own opinion about subjects like politics, economy and the decisions taken by the Government.

I agree with Penny Mordaunt’s speech, I think that it is important to provide aid to other countries like the example given in this article, China. But, on other hand, we must know what it is doing with the money and have the proof that it is used wittingly. We must help countries who have difficulties to develop them and take place in the world, but it mustn’t become permanent. If we don’t see an evolution, an improvement in the country’s situation while we give always more and more money, it isn’t do a favor to this developing country which will become dependent on the financial support of other nations.

In my opinion, it is necessary that people made hear their voice, express their opinion in the purpose that it can be considered by the Government. The Government should demand at people their opinion onthisanswer because as it is say in this article, we are the first concerned. In fact, there is our money who are used for bringing financial aid at other countries who need this money to develop them. Themainproblem isn’t that our money was given at other countries. It is rather that we don’t really know which the use of this money will be. If taxpayers maybe knowing that, they had more facilities to accept that they give onepart of their money for this kind of projects.

This is my main reason for writing you this letter: make consider and react people and tempt them to mobilize to express their voice. If numerous persons who agreed me say what they think about this subject, the Government can maybe react and make dispositions so that our opinion is respected. The message that I wish to make cross is that our actions can have their importance besides about this subject than another one.

I hope that my message will affect its purpose and will maybe urge the other readers of your newspaper to answer my letter.

As we are the main concerned in that case, we must give their opinion, discuss with other people in the purpose that they react on this subject, give although what they think about. It is necessary that there was a discussion between people and Government because without that it is impossible to change things or take an accurate, considered resolution.

Sincerely yours, Clair Violine

What makes a good letter to the editor ?

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